nan and i meandered up the mountain quite a bit slower than usual, basking in the glory comes with the last day of school. we were right in front of the ramp leading up to the gym when we met our match: one nasty big monkey just sitting in the middle of the ramp. i made eye contact when the beast and realized two things... 1. he was a sugar fiendish monkey willing to do anything to get his fix- this was evident via the juice box he was violently ripping to pieces and 2. there was no way in hell he was going anywhere.
nan and i started to brainstorm our options and began to make sounds similar to frogs coughing to try and 'scare' the monkey away. this only further amused him and he came a little closer trying to figure out what sort of idiots were making such a ridiculous sound. we tried to have a staring contest..he won. frozen to the spot we could not get over to the 'garden' to pick up landscaping rocks to throw. no one was there to help us. so we decided to admit defeat and just wait it out. this is when i had my brilliant idea of the day: 'hey, i should take a picture of it..then maybe i can blog' nan agreed and i set my bag down, unzipping the front pocket to get my camera.
the second i left my bag, the monkey repositioned himself at the backpack. and guess who had left it unzipped...
the first thing the beast pulled out was my tampons...which really is excellent considering you cannot find them anywhere in mussoorie and my stock is beginning to dwindle down. he then began to eat them. awesome. next in line: my wallet. with all my credit cards, money, insurance, basically my life. as he was chewing on this i started thinking about how i was going to explain to the bank that the monkey stole my's about equivalent to the dog eating homework..maybe worse. luckily, he didn't like the leathery taste and moved onto the next selection: my vitamin D. this is when i started hoping he actually would eat it, then he would die and it would be the best morning ever.
this is when i snapped the photo which he did not like. i don't know what exactly happened except that all the sudden he charged and i realized that shit, monkeys can run WAY faster than me. nan was in front meaning i was left in the dust.
damage was minimal, but i honestly don't think my heart will ever beat normally. talk about a great cardio workout. result: i have decided i should probably get my rabies shot immediately.
the beast. note the tampon on the ground and vitamin d in hand
not really, but with the kids leaving campus tomorrow and my grades submitted i cant help but feel a huge sense of relief. in celebration, noel, lauren and i took a trip to happy valley..we had been meaning to take this hike since day one, however time got the best of us and we had to squeeze the adventure into a simple afternoon jaunt. happy valley is a prayer flag filled tibetan neighborhood located on the other end of mussoorie at a place rightfully called cloud's end. we had loads of delicious tibetan food, loading up on the favorites: tingmo and momos, watched a killer storm roll in and out of the valley, saw a rainbow and hiked... happiness was found by all.