Tuesday, August 2, 2011

civilized existence.

After a month of easy summer living in Wisconsin, I have returned to the damp, monsoon-ridden hills of India for the start of another school year. It was great to be back home: the break from India’s commotion was much needed and it was absolutely splendid to spend time catching up with friends and family. Despite the extreme culture shock and week -long jet lag, I was able to squeeze quite a bit into my ‘vacation’, working loads, venturing out on the river, picking strawberries, relaxing in the sun, reading fiction, eating beef, and of course, frequenting all my favorite bars. I also managed to squeeze in a trip to las vegas with dad, mom and ali and I have returned feeling refreshed, well rested, and ready to hit India in a full on sprint.
the hotel.

The trip back to mussoorie began with an overnight taxi ride that involved a driver who most likely did not have a license, fording numerous rivers in an attempt to take ‘shortcuts’, a lot of drunk pilgrims all over the streets, and .5 hours of sleep. Thinking we were quite brilliant, nan and I dehydrated ourselves before the ride, assuming we would save time not stopping for bathroom breaks. By the time we finally got home I was thirstier than I have ever been. Running into the kitchen almost desperate enough to drink from the tap regardless or not if it gave me typhoid, I discover that the water filter is not working. At all. And none of the neighbors are home… This proves to be slightly problematic. Luckily, nan is a genius and we discovered that hot tea, drunk in large amounts, can serve as a means of hydration. And do not fear, the water filter has since been restored to its glory.

Tomorrow is the first day of school and because I know the next few weeks are going to be a whirlwind of disarray, I have been organizing every part of my life possible. Lauren is not returning this year, which is a huge adjustment in itself, but also means that we have extra space in our house. Therefore nan and I have been demonstrating extreme teamwork and took on the project of reorganizing and deep cleaning our entire house these past few days. One of the things I was asked about the most while home was the living situation. No, I do not live in a hut. Yes, I do have running water; I even have a shower! no, I do not have to operate by headlamp at night. Yes, I do have bedsheets and dishes; in fact, I quite like my home, even more so now that it isn’t moldy. To settle the qualms that many people have, I am putting a few pictures of my house up to serve as evidence as to how civilized I actually live...

our neighbor rebecca and nan (sometimes our house serves as woodstock's art department headquarters)

the clean half of my room.
I am hoping to be back in the habit of weekly blog updates, just try not to hold me too closely to it. ..while my summer ends tonight, many of you still have a month or more to go, please enjoy it and soak up some sunshine for me, I will do the same for you…just with rain.. and mold....

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post Emily, I shall be thinking of you damp and mouldy amongst the monsoon while i'm chilling in sunny USA...will miss you dearly friend! come visit us in NZ or S. korea soon!

    Love Em

    P.S. Disappointed you didn't blog about the extensive games of Settlers we have been partaking in!
